ISTCP 2019
10th Triennial Congress of the International Society for Theoretical Chemical Physics
July 11-17, 2019
Tromsø, Norway
Exciting science
ISTCP-X continues in the tradition of presenting the achievement and advances of all areas of theoretical chemical physics, with special emphasis on the interaction between experimental and theoretical physical chemistry.
The scope of ISTCP-X will cover a broad range of topics that will include
From picoseconds to attoseconds: Nuclear and electron dynamics
Aspect of Heavy-Element Chemistry
Emergent electronic structure methods
Multiscale modeling including focussed models
Large-scale electronic structure models of materials
Ultracold chemical physics
Molecular properties and interactions
Computational spectroscopy: from X-rays to microwaves
90 years of r12: Hylleraas symposium
Machine learning and data-driven approaches in chemical physics
Computational biophysics
Path-integral methods
Physical organic chemistry and catalysis
Janos Ladik memorial symposium
Great speakers
ISTCP-X will feature two keynote lecturers, 10 plenary lecturers and more than 150 invited lecturers, covering a wide range of topics in the field of theoretical chemical physics. Join the ISTCP-X to learn about the most recent advanced in this field.
Keynote speakers
- Sharon Hammes-Schiffer (New Haven (CT), USA)
- Kersti Hermansson (Uppsala, Sweden)
Plenary speakers
- Irene Burghardt (Frankfurt, Germany)
- Sylvio Canuto (Sao Paulo, Brasil)
- Monica Olvera de la Cruz (Evanston (IL), USA)
- Guilia Galli (Chicago (IL), USA)
- Trygve Helgaker (Oslo, Norway)
- Thomas F. Miller (Los Angeles (CA), USA)
- Peter Saalfrank (Potsdam, Germany)
- Peter Schwerdtfeger (Auckland, New Zealand)
- Birgitta Whaley (Berkeley (CA), USA)
- Zhigang Shuai (Beijing, China)
Invited speakers
Unique location
Tromsø is located at 69° 41' north, 350 km north of the Arctic circle, and is home to the world's northernmost university, UiT The Arctic University of Norway. The city is often referred to as the "Paris of the North" and the "Gateway to the Arctic" , and is home to about 75000 inhabitants. The midnight sun period lasts from May 20-July 22 during which the sun never sets.
Main Organizer
Prof. Kenneth Ruud
Hylleraas Centre of Quantum Molecular Sciences
Department of Chemistry
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Latest Posts
Opening the registration
Launching the web page
Useful Links
Hansine Hansens Veg
Tromsø, NO-9037
(+47) 77 62 31 00
(+47) 77 62 31 01